das Naddy and dasNaddyGames

So this is an about-me kind of page…

I’m working as a web dev for over 20 years now and three years ago i decided to finally start with my own game… when i started programming such a thing as game engines was way off and free to use ones were simply not available.

I made a first try with RPGMaker yeaaaaaaaars ago, but this engine simply isn’t working for me.

Three years ago i decided to start…. with Unity… but after a year of developing i wasn’t happy with the engine at all. It felt off for me so i decided to take a look at other stuff… UE is cool but i wanted to do a 2d Pixel Art this was kind of overwhelming… so i took a look at Godot, it was just right for me, i like how “it thinks” it really suits me.

After programming in my own little cave for a while i started to get more in contact with other indies and finally decided to create a page only for promoting my games and my programming… here it is…